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Rusya: Ermenistan ile Türkiye arasındaki ilişkilerin normalleşmesine katkıda bulunmaya hazırız

Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Sergey Lavrov, Ermenistan ile Türkiye arasındaki ilişkilerin normalleştirilmesine katkı sunmaya hazır olduklarını söyledi. Ermenistan Dışişleri Bakanı Zohrab Mnatsakanyan ile görüşmesinin ardından verilen basın toplantısında konuşan Lavrov, “Ermenistan ile Türkiye arasındaki sorunların üstesinden gelinebilmesi için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz. Zürih Protokolleri’nin imzalanması için en ...

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Architecture Students from Turkey and Armenia Designed and Built a Playground in Yerevan

  The Hrant Dink Foundation organised a three-week summer school in Yerevan between June 24 and July 10, 2019, with the participation of 26 architecture students from MEF University in Turkey and National University of Architecture and Construction (NUACA) in Armenia. Participating students from the two neighbouring countries designed and built a playground at Direct Aid Association (DAA) Hospital Scho ...

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Surp Stepanos Manastırı restore edilecek

Yapım tarihi birinci yüzyıla dayanan ve 1915 yılına kadar ibadete açık kalan Surp Stepanos Manastırı Van Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından aslına uygun  restorasyonuna karar verildi. Özellikle 1970’li yıllardan sonra büyük bir yıkıma uğrayan manastır, tüm tahribatlara rağmen yüzyıllardır ayakta kalmayı başarsa da özellikle son 50 yıl içinde özellikle define avcılarının hedefinde oldu. Manastırın eski ihtişam ...

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Ankara steps up for minority rights

  By VERDA ÖZER   verdaozer@gmail.com “This is a very meaningful development that should not be underestimated. It’s important that the monuments which were denied, had been taboo for decades, are now embraced and put forward. This is an example of a return to the culture of common life.” These words were said by one of the elders of the Greek community in Turkey, First Representative of Minority Found ...

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Akdamar ( Akhtamar) Holy Cross Church

HIDDEN MONUMENTS OF ANATOLIA ARE NOW READY TO COME TO LIGHT Akdamar Holy Cross Church The Armenian Akhtamar ( Akdamar) Cathedral of the Holy Cross is not only unique because of its location in the middle of the largest lake in Turkey, but also for its rich , millenia long history, fascinating architecture and because of what it means to millions of people around the world. Now for the first time, this holy ...

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Armenia and Turkey: From normalization to reconciliation (2015)

Fiona Hill, Kemal Kirişci, and Andrew Moffatt   Tuesday, February 24, 2015   For Turkey and Armenia, normalization and reconciliation can be seen as two sides of the same coin. A critical and achievable breakthrough would be the opening of the international border and the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the two countries. However, meaningful progress at the inter-state level does not seem ...

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Kalust Sarkis Gülbenkiyan: Yaşadığı dönemin en zengin insanı, ‘Bay yüzde 5’ lakaplı Üsküdarlı Ermeni işadamının hikâyesi

Petrol baronu Üsküdar doğumlu Osmanlı Ermenisi Kalust Sarkis Gülbenkiyan, 1955 yılında dünyanın en zengin insanı olarak ölmüştü. Osmanlı topraklarında bulunan petrol yatakları için imzalanan kontratlardan aldığı komisyonlar nedeniyle 'Bay yüzde 5' lakabıyla bilinen Gülbenkiyan'ın hayatı kitap oldu. Gülbenkiyan'ın hikayesi ve servete kavuşması Jonathan Conlin'in "Bay Yüzde Beş: Dünyanın en zengin adamı Kalus ...

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Louise Manoogian Simone passed away at the age of 85

                                                                TURKISH- ARMENIAN                           BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL                                                      TABDC    We , at  Turkish Armenian Business Development Council ( TABDC) are very shocked and saddened to hear about the death of  Louise Manoogian Simone. Louise  Manoogian  Simone was such a wonderful person ...

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Louise Manoogian Simone passed away at the age of 85

Louise Manoogian Simone passed away at the age of 85 on February 18, 2019. She dedicated her life to civic leadership, philanthropy, and was first and foremost passionate about the promotion of Armenian culture and heritage. Most who knew her will remember her as an intelligent, outspoken, witty woman who strived for excellence in herself and others. The driving principle in all that she did was to benefici ...

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Armenian massacres of 1915: the Turkish viewpoint

This article sets out how Turks generally view the context, events and implications of the massacres of ethnic Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Armenians dispute key parts of the information . In Turkey today, most people know nothing about their fourth generation of grandparents, many have hometowns outside of Turkey’s current borders. Millions more are grandchildren of immigrants ...

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